Hearing God’s Voice Part 3

Through Your Born-Again Spirit

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

I. Hearing God’s Voice

A. My Sheep Know My Voice

1. (John 10:2-5, 27) Hearing God’s voice is the most important aspect of your relationship with Him.

2. Four basic ways to hear God voice: (1) through the conscience; (2) through His Word; (3) through man’s born-again spirit; and (4) by the Holy Spirit.

a. (ref. Rom. 1:19-20; 2:15 all AMP) Through the Conscience God reveals Himself, right and wrong to all mankind through the conscience, however, the conscience is not a perfect guide because it is shaped by our knowledge.

b. (ref. 2 Tim. 3:16-17 AMP) Through the Word of God. The Bible is God’s primary and most foundational voice to man.

B. Through Your Born-Again Spirit

1. (ref. 1 Thess. 5:23, Gen. 2:7 KJV) You are spirit (breath of God), you possess and soul (mind, will, intellect, imagination), and you live in an earth-suit called a body.

a. (John 3:3-6) It’s only your spirit that gets born-again, not your soul or body.

~(Rom. 12:2) you must renew your soul by the Word of God.

~(ref. Rom. 8:23) redeemed body at the rapture

b. (John 4:24) God relates to us by and through our born-again spirit.

~(1 Cor. 1:14, 16) the things of God are understood by your born-again spirit.

2. (1 Cor. 6:17 AMP) Your born-again spirit has been united and made one with Christ’s Spirit. God speaks through your spirit in the 1st person. You will just “know” things.

a. (2 Cor. 5:17-18) you are a new creation in Christ (spiritual).

~(Rom. 6:4-11) Your old spirit man has died and been replaced by a new born-again spirit.

~(Rom. 8:9-16) led by the spirit and not the flesh

b. (Col. 3:8-10) new man is renewed in knowledge

c. (1 John 2:20, 27) your born-again spirit knows all things.

3. (Ps. 37:1-5) God will place desires in your heart.

a. Delighting in the Lord means to obtain great pleasure, satisfaction and happiness in Him. It means to love, obey, and find peace, fulfillment and joy in Him.

~Trusting in Him and doing good are the result of delighting in Him.

b. Your desires should be confirmed by God’s Word.

4. (Col. 3:15 AMP) peace is a fruit of the Spirit that we should constantly live in. When that peace is disrupted or disturbed we must pay close attention.

[Pastor Lee Stokes]


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