Understanding the End of the Age Vol. 2 Part 2

Raptured from the Wrath to Come

Sunday, November 21, 2021

I.Understanding the End of the Age

A. Raptured from the Wrath to Come

1. (1 Thess. 5:16-18) What is the rapture of the church?

a. The rapture is an event where all who have put their trust in Christ as Lord and Savior, living and deceased, will be caught up from the earth, be joined with Christ in the air, and taken to heaven.

2. What is the purpose of the rapture?

a. To remove the church from the earth before the Tribulation and unite Christ with His bride.

~(Matt. 24:21-22)

~(Rev. 1:19; 4:1; 6:15-17; 19:7-9, 11)

~(1 Thess. 1:9-10; 5:1-11)

3. How will life be like just before the rapture?

a. (Luke 17:24-37) Jesus’ Olivet

~(ref. Gen. 19) Lot’s day

~(Gen. 6:1-5, 11 all AMP) Noah’s day

b. (v1) Population explosion

~5-6 billion people on the planet – Noah’s Day

~Flood to 1867 – 1 billion

~1867 to 1935 – 2 billion

~1935 to 1965 – 3 billion

~1965 to 1985 – 6 billion

~Today – 7.8 billion

c. (v2-4) sexual perversion

d. (v5) great wickedness, hearts continually evil

e. (v11) unprecedented violence

[Pastor Lee Stokes]


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