The Believer’s Ministry Pt6

Ministering to the Lost

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

I The Believer’s Ministry (Mobilizing the Church)

A.Ministering to the Lost

1. All believers are called to make disciples.

a. (2 Cor. 5:17-20) ministry of reconciliation.

~(Matt. 28:18-20) make disciples…

~(Mark 16:15-18) signs follow believers

~(Acts 1:8) power to be witnesses

~(Rom. 10:9-17 NIV) how do they believe?

b. The power to save is in the gospel.

~(John 15:16) God chose you!

~(2 Pet. 3:9) God’s will is to save everyone!

~(Luke 19:10) seek and save the lost.

~(1 Tim. 1:15) Jesus came to save sinners

~(Acts 8:26-35) man preaches the gospel

~(Acts 9:10-18) Ananias baptizes Saul

c. How do I minister to the lost?

#1. (Matt. 5:13-16 MSG) Be salt and light!

-It’s not your responsibility to save anybody. It is your responsibility to live your life as God’s salt and light and to share Christ in love when appropriate.

-(Rom. 1:16-17) Don’t be ashamed of the gospel of Christ.

-(Matt. 10:32-33) Don’t deny Jesus.

#2. (2 Cor. 4:3-5) Pray eyes and ears open to see and hear the truth of the gospel.

#3. (Matt. 9:35-38) Pray the Lord of the harvest send out laborers into His harvest.

-(Mark 6:3-5) Your family members are often the most difficult to minister to.

-(1 Pet.3:1-4 NIV) wives/husbands

#4. Be that laborer that someone is praying would come into their loved one’s life! “Your past misery is now your present ministry.”

2. How to approach unbelievers.

#1. Be friendly and likable (be positive and never negative)!

#2. Be compassionate and sympathetic (never talk negatively about anyone)!

#3. Don’t be weird, deep and over-spiritual!

#4. Don’t debate or argue about the word or anything else for that matter!

#5. Never be ashamed of the Gospel and never compromise your witness!

#6. Pray for opportunities to share your testimony and/or the word, and/or lay hands on the sick when the time is right with the right person(s)



[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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