Secrets of The Secrets Place

Promises of Protection – Truths from Ps 91

Sunday, August 22, 2021

 I. Promises of Protection – Truths from Ps 91

A.Promises of Protection (Read Psalm 91 NKJV)

1.(v1) Secrets of the secret place

2.(v2) “I will say of the LORD…”

a.(2 Cor. 4:13) spirit of faith–hear, believe and speak

~(Rom. 10:8-10 NIV)

~(Jas. 3:2-12 AMP)

~refuge – shelter from storms & danger (small scale attacks; fortress – castle or stronghold (large scale attacks.)

b.LORD (Yehovah)- covenant keeping God

c.God (Elohim) – God of power, Creator

~See Gen. 1, 2 & 3

3.(v3) “Surely He shall deliver you…”

4.(v4) “cover you with His feathers”

a.(Luke 13:34-35)

b.(Exo. 25:18-22; John 20:11-12) ark of the covenant.

5.(v5-6) around the clock protection

6.(v7-8) Don’t allow what you see and hear going on around you affect what you believe. Faith over fear.

7.(v9-10) “the LORD, who is my refuge…the Most High your dwelling…”

a.(Josh. 20:3 NLT)

8.(v11-12) Activating His angels

a.(Ps. 103:20-21)

b.(2 Kings 6:8-17)

c.(Matt. 4:4-7) Satan misquotes this passage.

9.(v13) Getting on the offense

a.(Matt. 4:3-11) “It is written…”

10.(v14) read old covenant promises through new covenant lenses.

a.(1 John 4:9-10)

b.(John 17:11) Jesus revealed God as “Father.”

11.(v15) with us in trouble (Dan. 3:24-25)

12.(v16) “With long life…and show him My salvation.”

a.(Josh. 14:10-14) Caleb at age 85

b.salvation – yeshua – Jesus

~(Exo. 14:13-14) Moses at the Red Sea

~(2 Chron. 20:17) King Jehoshaphat & Judah

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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