Living in God’s Plans for Your Life Pt4

Some Keys to Discovering Your Gift Part 2

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I.Living in God’s Plans for Your Life

A.You Have God-Given Gifts – You Must Use Them

1.(Prov. 18:16 NKJV; 17:8 KJV) Your gift is the key to your prosperity.

B.Some Keys to Discovering Your Gift

1.Get leverage. Develop either a burning desire or a burning discontent. ( Exo. 5) Israel slaves had to make bricks with no straw after Moses goes to Pharaoh.

a.In order for most people to make life changes, things must be either really bad causing us to run in fear or the change we want must be so attractive moving us to do whatever is necessary to have it.

b.Create leverage by exposing yourself to what you want and then begin to dream of it.

Get curious. Use your imagination to come up with interesting ideas.

a.If you could wave a magic wand and be doing anything you wanted tomorrow, what would you do?

b.What do you love?

c.What do you want out of life? What do you want your life to have meant at the end?

d.List your interests? List the things you would love to do in your life?

e.Find people who do what you want to do and interview them.

f.Me and Shonia (PPN, Amway) in the car at the bank.

3.Get in the Vicinity Expose yourself to new experiences and interests.

a.Seeing Pastor Brown’s world changed ours.

b.Go see what excellence and big look like!

4.Get Going Now Practice, persist, and exercise patience. Life is a long journey and you will not walk into everything God has for you at once.

a.Everything worthwhile in life takes dedication and time. The people who grow and achieve the most are the ones who harness the power of patience and persistence.

5.(Matt. 25:14-30 NLT) the kingdom of God demands productivity with your gifts.


[Pastor Lee Stokes]



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