God’s Purpose for Marriage

Sunday, March 27, 2022

I.God’s Purpose for Marriage

A.Marriage – God’s Holy Institution

1.(Mal. 2:11, 14-16) Marriage is God’s holy institution and covenant which He loves.

a.The institution of marriage is God’s first and most important institution on the planet. i.e. the church, the government, any financial institution.

b.“Holy” means set apart for God. Marriage is first of all for God. (Col. 1:16-17)

~For example, sex is first for God and not for our benefit and pleasure, that’s second.

-The only thing that God gets out of all of creation is a family and that comes through sex.

~Marriage is a sacred holy union and the womb is the sacred place where God brings life into the world.

c.In a secular culture God is taken out of the equation and everything is about us. When marriage isn’t about God we can justify anything.

2.(Gen. 1:26-28; Eph. 5:32) God’s plan for marriage.

B. The 5 Purposes of Marriage

         #1 To replicate God’s image and in the earth.

a.(Gen. 1:26a, 27) Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image according to Our likeness…”

~God – Elohiym – plural masculine. (im)

~Illustration: Man made in God’s image.

~(ref. Gen. 2:18) “It is not good that man should be alone…”

b.When God sees a Christian marriage He sees Himself; when the devil sees a Christian marriage he sees God.

~(Ps. 72:19) God’s glory through marriage.

c.Satan as a strategist understands if he is to destroy man he must destroy marriage.

  #2 To generationally perpetuate the nature or likeness of God and the         values of His kingdom.

a.Christian marriage causes us to act and look like God. Godly marriage requires us to behave differently.

~Sacrifice – marriage is a covenant (cut)

~Commitment – (Heb. 13:5b AMP)

~Service- (Jesus served the disciples)





          #3 Marriage is the Foundation for Society. (Ps. 11:3)

a.In 1947 Carle Zimmerman, Harvard sociologist, issued a report warning America that said we were headed the same direction as Rome, Greece, Egypt, Babylon, Samaria and all the other great civilizations that fell from within. “Every society becomes great on a conservative Biblical model but fell when they departed those values.”

 7 Signs:

#1 Marriage loses its sacredness as it is frequently broken by divorce.

#2 The traditional meaning of marriage is lost replaced by alternative forms of cohabitation.

#3 The feminist movement abounds and women lose their inclination for child bearing.

#4  There is increased public disrespect for parents.

#5  There is an increase in juvenile delinquency, promiscuity and rebellion.

#6 The hostility of pseudo intellectuals against the traditional family spreads to common people sealing the doom of society.

#7 There is an increased acceptance of adultery and sexual perversion.

           #4 To multiply God’s human family with righteous offspring. (Mal. 2:15;                      Gen. 1:28)

a.Godly marriage is best for children. When marriage fails children suffer the most. Single parenting is very difficult!

b.Many studies have been done comparing the impact on children from broken homes verses intact families. The Heritage Foundation:

~Children raised in intact families have on an average higher academic achievement, better emotional health and fewer behavioral problems.

~Fathers of intact families spend on average more time with their children.

~Teens who frequently have dinner with their families are at lower risk for substance abuse.

~Adolescents from intact families are less likely to become sexually active.

~Children raised in intact families by happily married parents tend to be more religious in adulthood.

~Children raised in intact families are more likely to have healthy and stable romantic relationships as adults.

~Intact families are more likely to provide a safer home for children.

~Married mothers tend to create a healthier environment for infants.

~Married mothers are less likely to experience abuse and violence.

~Married fathers tend to have better psychological wellbeing.

          #5 To extend God’s dominion and kingdom ruler-ship on earth as it is in             heaven through marriage. (Gen. 1:26b, 28)

a.When married couples discover and fulfill God’s purpose for their marriage they will reign in their domain.


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