Winning the Good Fight of Faith Part 6

Helmet of Salvation

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

I. Winning the Good Fight of Faith

A. Stand in God’s Armor

1. (ref. 1 Tim. 6:12) “Fight the good fight of faith…”

2. (ref. 2 Cor. 10:3-5) carnal vs. spiritual weapons

3. (Eph. 6:10-18) standing in the whole armor of God.

1. Belt of Truth

2. Breastplate of Righteousness

3. Boots of the Gospel of Peace

4. Shield of Faith

5. Helmet of Salvation

6. Sword of the Spirit (Word of God)

7. Prayer and Supplication in the Spirit

B. Helmet of Salvation (Eph. 6:17a) “And take the helmet of salvation…”

1. Paul is writing to people who are already saved (ref. Eph. 1:1), so the helmet of salvation pertains to protecting a mindset regarding salvation.

a. The purpose of a helmet is to protect the brain, because the brain controls every function of the body. Likewise, your mind is the control center of your entire being.

b. The purpose of the helmet of salvation is protect your mindset from errant thinking about your salvation. Wrong thinking = wrong function.

~(2 Cor. 4:3-4)

2. What does it mean to be saved (salvation)?

a. (John 3:16-21; [17:3 AMP]) Everlasting or eternal life is knowing God personally and intimately.

~(Acts 4:12) salvation only through Jesus

~(Rom. 1:16-17) gospel of Christ the power of God to salvation.

b. Saved (sozo) to save from destruction spirit, soul and body; to heal, to preserve, to protect, to make whole in every area of life.

~Salvation is much more than the forgiveness of sins and going to heaven. It includes health, wholeness, prosperity and deliverance in every area of life.

c. (Eph. 2:8-10) saved by grace, through faith, to good works.

~(Rom. 5:6-10) saved from wrath of hell through His death; saved from wrath of sin through His life.

~(Rom. 1:18) sin has its own inherent consequences (wrath).

d. How do I take up the helmet of salvation?

~(Rom. 12:1-2)

~(Eph. 4:17-24 AMP)

~(Col. 3:1-10)

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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