Will Christians Face Judgment? Part 5
Eternal Rewards
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
I. Will Christians Face Judgment?
A.The Judgment Seat of Christ
1.Foundation verses: (2 Cor. 5:9-10) All believers must stand before the Judgment (Bema) Seat of Christ. This judgment is not a matter of salvation but a matter of gain or loss of reward based on our deeds (works), desires (secret thoughts), declarations (words) and dependability (stewardship).
B.Eternal Rewards at the Judgment Seat of Christ
(1 Cor. 2:9 NKJV; 2 Cor. 4:17-19 GNT) There are different types of heavenly rewards that are far more glorious than anyone has ever imagined.
a.(Matt. 5:18-19; Rev. 19:5 NLT) some in the kingdom will be considered least and some great.
b.Various treasure in heaven mentioned:
~(Matt. 5:11-12; 6:1-4, 6, 16-18, 19-21)
~(Mark 10:21-22)
~(Luke 6:22-23, 35-36; 18:22-23)
c.(1 Cor. 15:39-42 TPT) God’s glory will be manifested in our resurrected bodies in varying measures.
~(Matt. 13:43) one’s shine may differ from another’s.
2.(Rev. 3:3-5, 15-19 all NLT; 19:7-9, 14 all NLT) garments may vary in glory according to how believers lived.
3.Stewardship rewarded with reigning and ruling:
a.(Luke 19:12-26) Minas
b.(Matt. 25:14-30) Talents
c.(Luke 22:27-30) sit on thrones judging Israel
d.(Rev. 2:26-27) ruling with Christ over nations
[Pastor Lee Stokes]