Will Christians Face Judgment? Part 2

The Judgment Seat of Christ

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

I.Will Christians Face Judgment?

A. The Judgment Seat of Christ

1. (2 Cor. 5:10) All believers must stand before the Judgment (Bema) Seat of Christ. This judgment is not a matter of salvation but a matter of faithfulness, dedication and service.

a. (Eph. 2:8-10) we are saved by grace and not by works, but we are saved for good works.

~(Matt. 5:16; Col. 1:10)

2. (Rom. 14:7-12) Bema is an accounting of our life lived before God from the day we were saved until transition.

a. (1 Pet. 1:13-21 NLT) because such a great price was paid for your salvation, God wants to know how did we live in light of that.

b. (1 Cor. 3:13-15) receiving rewards; suffering loss.

c. (Rev. 20:6) we shall with Him a thousand years.

3. (2 Cor. 5:9-11 NIV)

a. (v9) Our aim, ambition, and goal should be to live to please Him.

b. (v10) We must all appear individually.

~Each may receive what is due them for the things done while in the body, good or bad.

c. (v11) the Fear of the Lord (ref. Prov. 8:13; 1:7)

~We are to persuade others.

~God knows the real us and so should we.

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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