The Sower Sows the Word Pt1
The Secret of the Kingdom
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
I. The Sower Sows the Word
A.The Secret of the Kingdom
1.(Isa. 55:10-11) The Word as Seed and Bread
a.(1 Pet. 1:23 NKJV/AMP) incorruptible seed
~(John 1:1-4) God and His are one.
2.Foundation verse: (Mark 4:11 NIV) “He told them, ‘The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables….’”
a.(Mark 4:26-29) Parable of the growing seed.
b.(Mark 4:30-32) Parable of the mustard seed.
3.(Mark 4:1-12) The parable of the Sower.
a.(Matt. 13:10-17) Why Jesus taught in parables.
~(Matt. 25:24-29) Parable of the talents.
b.(Mark 4:13-20) the key to the parable of the sower.
~We are the sowers.
~The Word of God is the incorruptible seed.
~The four different types of ground (wayside, stony ground, among thorns, and good ground) are four conditions of the heart that affect how the seed grows.
~Only one ground was able to produce and sustain a harvest – good ground.
~Common denominator – all heard the word!
~Every believer fits into one of these four categories.
[Pastor Lee Stokes]