The Secret Power of Worship and Praise Part 2

Why We Worship

Sunday, June 9, 2024

I. The Secret Power of Worship and Praise

A.Made for Worship (review)

1. Understand the how and why of the first worshipper – Lucifer.

a. (Isa. 14:11-14)

b. (Eze. 28:12-13 NKJV / 14-17 NIV)

2. God didn’t replace Lucifer with another angel. We are the replacement worshippers – made for worship.

a. Lucifer didn’t play an instrument he was an instrument. We are the instruments of worship.

~Vocal chords – strings/wind (ref. Ps. 150:6)

~Hands – percussion (ref. 47:1)

3. Music has the ability to transfer the anointing of the heart of the producer and performer to the hearer.

a. (ref. 1 Sam. 16) Samuel anoints David

B. Why We Worship – Understand the How and Why We Were Made

1. How? (ref. Gen. 1) Creation

a. In creation God did two things: (1) He created some things from nothing with only His words; and (2) He made some things from something else He already created.

b. God wanted there to be relationship between the thing that was made and the thing that it came from.

~(v11) He spoke to Earth to create plants.

-Trees are made from the Earth, sustained by the Earth and return to the Earth.

~(v20) He spoke to the Sea to create the fish.

~(v24) He spoke to Earth to create animals.

~(v26) God spoke to Himself to create mankind.

-Man came from God, is to be sustained by God, and returns to God.

God took the woman from the man.

2.Why did God make mankind?

a. God made woman because man was alone; God made mankind because God was alone and wanted a relationship with a Bride.

b. (Eph. 5:31-32 NIV)

c. (Rev. 21:9-10, 19-21)

3. (John 4:23) the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.

a. worship – proskyneo – to kiss the hand, in a token of reverence.

b. It’s literally how your dog greets you when you come home.

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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