The Lord’s Prayer Pt8

The Power of Praise in Prayer

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

1.The Lord’s Prayer

A. Prayer Model or Framework for Prayer

1.(ref. Luke 11:1) “…Lord, teach us to pray.”

a. Prayer is relational communication with God.

2. (recite Matt. 6:9-13) The Lord’s Prayer

a. The “Lord’s Prayer” is a model of prayer or template that Jesus gave to the Jews that were, at the time still under the old covenant. 

B. The Power of Praise in Prayer

1. (Matt. 6:13b) “…For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”

a. Theologians call this a “doxology,” which means to speak praise and glory to God. Doxology is two Greek words put together: 

~Doxa – glory, praise, splendor, grandeur

~Logos – word, speak

b. There are many doxologies in the Bible:

~(ref. Matt. 26:30) after the last supper.

~Many of the Psalms are doxologies.

c. Jesus ends this format of prayer in praise because He knows that if we really understood this prayer we would respond with an eruption of praise.

~(go through each line of the prayer Matt. 6)

2. “For Yours…” we’re praying this prayer because of…, in light of…, everything is about You and not us!

a. The Bible starts with God (Gen. 1:1) and ends with Jesus (Rev. 22:21)

~(Ps. 100:3)

3. “For Yours is the kingdom 

a. The kingdom is the comprehensive rule of the King over His domain. (the whole Bible is about the King and His domain.)

~(1 Chron. 29:10-14) King David understood

~(Ps. 89:11 NLT) God’s kingdom!

~If we sing the National Anthem about a faltered nation and Pledge Allegiance to flawed flag why wouldn’t we want to praise a perfect loving, life giving God?

b. This is the 2nd time kingdom is mentioned. (v10) “Your kingdom come. Your will be done.”

~Submission to God’s kingdom (rule of authority) is necessary to see God’s will accomplished.

3. “For Yours is…the power

a. We won’t experience God’s power without 1st submitting to His kingdom (rule of authority).

b.How much power does God have? All power!

~(ref. Gen. 1) God spoke the universe into being without any raw material. (Heb. 1:3)

~(ref. Matt. 28:18) Jesus said all power!

~(2 Chron. 16:9 CSB)

~(Eph. 1:18-21) Paul’s prayer

4. “For Yours is…the glory

a. Glory – to put something on display; to highlight or advertise it; to show something off.

b. (Isa. 43:7 KJV) We are to reflect and give God the glory for everything!

~(Ps. 115:1)

~(Isa. 42:8; 48:11) 

~(Acts 12:21-23) Herod took God’s glory

c. (Phil. 2:9-11) Everyone will give God glory!

~(Ps 19:1)

~(Ps. 29:1-3)

d. We don’t praise God because we don’t see Him as BIG, Great or Magnificent!

~Two ways to make something:

-Magnify it!

-Get closer to it!

5. “Forever…”

a.(Jas. 4:14; Ps. 144:4)

b.(Rev. 22:5)

c.(Phil. 3:20-21)

6. “Amen” so be it; I agree

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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