The Importance of God’s Word Part 3

Seed for the Sower

Sunday, July 21, 2024


I.The Importance of God’s Word

A.Seed for the Sower

1.(Isa. 55:8-11 NIV) God’s Word is seed and bread.

a.(Luke 8:11 TPT) God’s Word is seed and the heart of man is the ground it’s planted in.

b.(1 Pet. 1:23 AMP) God’s Word is regenerative and contains His DNA.

c.(Mark 4:26-29) Parable of the growing seed.

d.(Mark 4:30-32) Parable of the mustard seed.

e.(Ps. 107:20) God’s word is a bag of His seeds.

​​2.How to sow the seed in the ground of your heart.

​​​a.(Prov. 4:20-24) hear it, read it and say it!

​​​b.(ref. Matt. 13; Mark 4; Luke 8)

Wayside hearer
Hard-heart hearer
Thorny heart hearer
Good ground hearer

c.(Matt. 13:13-17 TPT)

3.(Prov. 27:19 NIV) Our lives are the mirror reflection of the condition of our hearts (soul/spirit). As we renew our thinking to God’s word by planting it in our hearts our lives change.

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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