The Importance of God Word Part 1

What the Bible is All About

Sunday, July 7, 2024

I. The Importance of the Word of God

A.Introduction – The Big Three

1. Like food, water and air are essential to your physical body. There are three essentials and disciplines to your spiritual growth: prayer, worship and God’s Word.

a.(ref. Prov. 27:19 NIV)

B.What the Bible is All About – Overview

1. The Bible was written over a period of 1600 years in over 12 countries on 3 continents by 40 people in 3 different languages (OT – Hebrew; NT – Greek / Aramaic).

a. The Bible was written by poets, prophets, farmers, kings, soldiers, shepherds, princes, priests, historians, fisherman, tax collectors, scholars, businessmen and doctors; and they all tell the same story.

~(2 Tim. 3:16-17 AMP) God-breathed

~(Heb. 4:12 NLT) word of God is alive

~(Matt. 4:4; John 6:63)

b. The Bible is God’s written revelation of His will to humanity. It’s the instruction manual inspired by the Creator of the universe and all creation.

~(Josh. 1:8)

2. Old Testament (OT) vs. New Testament (NT)

a.Testament means covenant, agreement or pact.

b.OT tells the story of a people (children of Israel);

NT tells the story of a person (Jesus).

c.OT centers around Abraham & Moses;

NT centers around Jesus & the Holy Spirit.

d.OT gathers around Mount Sinai;

NT gathers around the cross.

e.OT shows the wrath of God against sin;

NT shows the grace God for sinners.

f.OT writes the law on Tablets of stone.

NT writes the law on our hearts.

~(Jer. 31:31-34 NIV)

3. The 66 books of the Bible (39 OT/27 NT) are not arranged in a completely chronological order but in categories.

a.The 39 books of the OT can be grouped:

~5 books of Law

-Genesis – Deuteronomy

~12 books of History

-Joshua – Esther

~5 books of Poetry & Wisdom

-Job – Song of Solomon

~17 books of Prophets: 5 Major/12 Minor

-5 Major: Isaiah – Daniel

-12 Minor: Hosea – Malachi

b.The 27 books of the NT can be grouped:

~The gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke & John

~The Acts of the Apostles: Historical record of the 1st century church.

~The epistles: 21 books: Romans – Jude

~The Revelation of Jesus Christ: Prophecy of the last days and eternity.

4. The story of the Bible:

a.The creation

~Man in the garden (paradise)

~Satan, sin, the fall, and corruption of mankind

b. The flood (Noah)

c. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

~Joseph, favored son, pit, prison, to palace

~Joseph dies, new Pharaoh, slavery

d. Moses, the Law, the wilderness 40 years

~Joshua in the promise land

~Once in the promise land they depart from God

~God sends judges, kings and prophets

-(Jer. 31:31-34 NIV)

e. NT – Jesus birth, life, death & resurrection

~Enter the Holy Spirit, church birth

~Rapture, tribulation, Return of Christ, judgment

f. Eternity with Christ in Paradise

5.(Rev. 21:2-4 NIV)

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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