The Gifts of the Spirit Part 7b

The Gifts of Healings 2

August 17, 2022

I.The Gifts of the Spirit

A.The Gifts of the Working of Miracles

1.(1 Cor. 12:7-11) 9 Manifestation gifts

2. The nine gifts categorized:

a.Three revelation gifts reveal something:

~Word of wisdom 

~Word of knowledge

~The discerning of spirits

b. The three power gifts do something:

~The gift of faith

~The working of miracles

~The gifts of healings

c. The three utterance gifts say something:


~Divers kinds of tongues

~Interpretation of tongues

B. The Gifts of Healings – are manifested for the supernatural healing of sickness, injury and disease without any natural source or means.

1. Various ways to administer healing:

a. Casting out demons

~(Matt. 9:32-33; 17:14-18) 

b. Laying on of hands (Mark 16:18)

~(Mark 6:5-6; 7:32-35; 8:22-25; Luke 4:40; 13:10-13; Acts 28:7-9)

c.Anointing with oil (Jas. 5:14-15; Mark 6:13)

d. Prayer cloths (Acts 19:11-12)

e. Sending the word (Ps. 107:20; Matt. 8:5-10, 13)

f. Commanding in the name of Jesus

~(Acts 3:1-16; 19:13-)

~(Acts 14:8-10)

g. Communion (1 Cor. 11:23-30)

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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