b.The Believer’s Ministry Pt7

Receiving and Ministering Healing

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I.The Believer’s Ministry (Mobilizing the Church)

A.Receiving and Ministering Healing

1.Healing is a part of the believer’s ministry.

a.(Mark 16:15-18) signs follow believers

b.I know God’s will IS to heal everyone, every time, everywhere. But I also know God’s will IS NOT always manifested. (2 Pet. 3:9)

c.There are many mysteries to sickness, as well as to sin. Sickness and sin are a part of the human condition. We war and fight against both. God has made provisions for both on the cross.

~(Isa. 53:3-11 AMP)

d.When someone doesn’t receive healing it is never God withholding, but our not receiving.

2.17 times recorded in the gospels, Jesus healed all the sick that were present.

a.(Matt. 4:23-24; 8:16-17; 12:15; 14:14, 34-36; 15:30-31; 19:2; 21:14)

b.47 times recorded in the gospels, Jesus healed one or two.

c.(John 21:24-25) too many things to record.

3.“Yes Pastor, of course Jesus healed, He’s Jesus.”

a.(John 14:12) believers do the same as Jesus.

b.(Luke 9:1-2, 6; 10:1-2, 9, 17-20) the disciples

c.(Eph. 1:17-23 AMP) His power in us.

4.(Jas. 5:14-18) praying the prayer of faith.

a.(Mk. 11:22-24) speak to the mountain not about the mountain to God. Believe you receive when you pray not when you feel healed or see evidence.


[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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