Spirit, Soul and Body Part 5

Carnally Minded vs. Spiritually Minded

Sunday, February 4, 2024

I. Spirit, Soul and Body

A. Spirit, Soul and Body

1. Play Andrew Wommack Spirit, Soul & Body (Pt 3) 7:25

B. Acknowledge, Renew and Release

The Christian life isn’t a process of getting something from God; it is a process of (1) acknowledging God’s finished work in Christ [ref. Phm. 6], (2) renewing your mind to who you are in Christ [ref. Rom. 12:2] and (3) releasing what’s in your born-again spirit by faith [Matt. 12:33-35].

C. Carnally Minded vs. Spiritually Minded

1. (Rom. 7:18-25) the believer’s struggle

2. (Gal. 5:16-17, 19-23) fruit of the spirit vs. works of the flesh

3. (Rom. 8:5-8) carnally minded vs. spiritually minded is a matter of focus. Is your thinking dominated by spiritual truth or natural facts?

a. (Heb. 11:6) Walking by faith (in the spirit) pleases God.

b. (Rom. 8:9-14) led by the spirit or led by the flesh.

c. (2 Cor. 4:18) look to the word and not to the flesh.

4. (Rom. 4:17-21) Against all natural hope Abraham believed God and became the father of many nations.

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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