Saved, Single & Sanctified Part 2

The Truth about Sex

Sunday, February 25, 2024

I.Saved, Single & Sanctified

A. The Truth about Sex

1. Genesis 1:28 contains God’s first command to mankind “Be fruitful and multiply…” the Lee Stokes translation is “Have Sex!” which is probably why the devil has successfully normalized sexual immorality and perversion. Today’s culture is saturated with sexual immorality through internet, television, and music.

a. Sex as God intended it is powerfully and purposefully good, but when put in the wrong context and outside of the parameters that God has set it can be very dangerous and potentially deadly.

~(Mk. 10:6-9) God’s plan for sex.

~(Heb. 13:4 NIV) sex is for marriage.

b. The Proverbs personify Wisdom as a woman in contrast to Foolishness and Sexual Immorality also personified as a woman.

~(Prov. 5:1-23 TPT)

2. God’s purpose for sex is 3-fold and exclusively for the marriage covenant between a husband (man) and wife (woman).

P.O.P. – Procreation, Oneness and Pleasure.

a. Procreation – with covenant

b. Oneness – unify the husband and wife; spirit, soul and body. God could have chosen other methods to procreate but He chose sex because He wants exclusivity, intimacy and unity.

~(1 Cor. 6:13-20)

c. Pleasure – with commitment

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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