Mental Health Part 3

Out of the Cave

Sunday, April 21, 2024

I. Mental Health

A. Entering the Cave of Depression

1. Share letter and picture of Ly’Shawn Monique Powell 33

2. (1 Kings 19:4 NIV) Elijah a mighty man of God and full of faith and power saw great miracles but right on the heels of two of the greatest spiritual victories he is having suicidal thoughts. (6 contributing causes of depression)

B. Out of the Cave

(1 Kings 19:5-19 NIV) 5 steps out of the cave.

1. (1 Kings 19:5-8 NIV) Step into a needed recovery.

a. God has many spiritual solutions for our problems but often times we’re too busy, overworked, exhausted, burned out up to hear it or do it.

~(Eccl. 4:6 AMP) two handful lives

~(ref. Matt. 11:28-30) “I will give you rest…

~(ref. Gen. 2:2) God rested from all His work

~(ref. Exo. 20:8, 10) Sabbath rest command

~(ref. Mark 6:31-32) Jesus rested

b. We’ve got to get control of our life. (Time)

~If you don’t prioritize your life someone else will.

~(Ps. 90:12 LB) “Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should.”

2. (1 Kings 19:9-12 NIV) Step into a God encounter.

a. We look for God in the dynamic, but God is in the intimate. (ref. Ps. 46:10) “Be still, and know that I am God…”

b. We were made to live in the presence of God.

~(Ps. 16:11 NIV) “in Your presence”

~Explain the law of environment in Gen. 1 – God spoke to the source of the thing He created.

~Prayer, praise, worship, word & fellowship

~(ref. John 4:23) God is seeking worshippers.

3. (1 Kings 19:13-14 NIV) Step into true identity.

a. If we aren’t confident in who God says we are more likely adopt others opinions of ourselves.

~(Jas. 1:23-25 TPT) Your new mirror.

~(Eph. 2:10 NLT) You are God’s masterpiece and called according to His purpose!

~(ref. John 3:16) You are loved!

~(ref. 2 Cor. 5:21) You are righteous!

~(ref. 1 Pet. 2:24) You are healed!

4. (1 Kings 19:15-18 NIV) Step into purpose.

a. God told Elijah to go back the way he came which was Beersheba – the place of oath, where he first received his call and purpose.

~(Prov. 19:21 AMP)

~Life without purpose is an experiment.

~(Prov. 29:18 KJV)

5. (1 Kings 19:19 NIV) Step into relational strength.

a. Elijah went and found Elisha and threw his cloak around him.

b. Look closely at the closest associations in your life, for that is the direction you are headed.” ~ Kevin Eikenberry

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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