Marriage Works God’s Way Part 2

God’s Perfect Plan for Marriage

Sunday, March 17, 2024

I.Marriage Works God’s Way

A.Marriage is Under Attack

1.Marriage, God’s first institution, the foundation for family, church, government and society is under attack.

a. In 1930 83% of adults in the US were married; today 49% of adults are married.

b. About 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce; 70% of 2nd marriages and 75% of 3rd marriages.

c. The problem isn’t marriage. The problem is we haven’t done marriage God’s way! Marriage only works God’s way!

d. We have a 100% chance of success in marriage if we do it God’s way. No other way works!

2.(Gen. 2:18) MOST people are made for marriage and can be better as a result of a godly marriage.

a. (1 Cor. 7:7-9 NLT) There’s a small percentage of people like the Apostle Paul and Jesus who have a gift and calling to singleness.

B. God’s Perfect Plan for Marriage

1. (Eph. 5:21) “submitting to one another in the fear of God.” Wives you do your part in submitting and husbands you do your part in submitting.

3 Reasons why Ephesians 5 is God’s Perfect Plan for Marriage

#1 The roles in Ephesian 5 make us attractive to our spouse and causes them to open their hearts to us because the roles fulfill one another’s greatest needs.

a. (Eph. 5:22-24) “Wives, submit…”

~(1 Pet. 3:1-6) “gentle and peaceful spirit” vs. hard, loud and aggressive spirit.

b. The #1 need of every man is respect. The greatest motivation in a man’s life is respect and honor. Respecting your husband is what makes him very intimately attractive to you.

c. The #1 need of every woman is security. Women want a sacrificial, selfless, sensitive to her needs husband.

~(Eph. 5:25-33) “Husbands love…”

~(1 Pet. 3:7 AMP) Husbands…

#2 The Roles in Ephesians 5 release the God-given potential in both of us.

a. In the same way woman and men need each other to make a baby, there is untapped potential on the inside of each of us that a spouse can unlock.

~(Gen. 2:18-22) “helper comparable…”

~(ref. Deut. 32:30) exponential power

~(Eccl. 4:9-12) “two are better than one…”

~(ref. Prov. 31:23) “Her husband is known in the city gates…”

#3 The roles in Ephesians 5 disable a significant weakness in our flesh and can keep us from destroying our marriages.

a. (Gen. 3:6) Notice the serpent never approached Adam before he had Eve.

~Women can act independent of checking with God or her husband; and men can become complacent in taking their rightful responsibility.

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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