Living in Your Divine Destiny Part 3

The Big Three

Sunday, August 25, 2024

I. Living in Your Divine Destiny

A.God Has Plans for You

1. (Jer. 29:11 TPT) God has plans for you.

2. (ref. Matt. 28:19-20 NIV) Living in your divine destiny involves 4 things and these four things are also the mission of our church:

(1) Know God,

(2) Find Freedom,

(3) Discover Destiny,

(4) Make a Difference.

B.Know God

1. (Jer. 9:23-24 AMP) the Lord says that the most important in life is knowing Him.

a. Knowing and having a healthy relationship with the Lord is the result of a lifestyle of the “Big Three” – prayer, God’s Word and worship.

C. The Big Three – Prayer, God’s Word, & Worship

1. Like air, food and water are essential to your physical life, prayer, God’s Word and worship are essential to your spiritual life. These also coincide with the only three named angels in the Bible.

a.Michael – warrior (ref. Rev. 12:7) Prayer

b.Gabriel – messenger (ref. Luke 1:26) Word

c.Lucifer (Satan) (Eze. 28/Isa. 14) – Worship

2. (Ps. 92:13-14 AMP) The most important aspect of the “Big Three” is consistency, and this is one of the reason why the local church is so important.

3. (Eph. 1:17-23 AMP) Paul’s prayer outlined:

(v17) Paul prays that God would give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him so that (v18) know God’s plan for you,

(v19-21) know God’s power in you, and

(v22-23) know God’s for you place in the body of Christ.

a. (Acts 16:25-34) Prayer, God’s Word and worship in action. Paul and Silas beaten, arrested and place in jail.

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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