Living in God’s Plans for Your Life Part 7

Your Assignment

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

I.Living in God’s Plans for Your Life

A. Your Assignment

1.  (Eph. 2:10 NLT/AMP)

a. Your future, your prosperity, your favor is found in your uniqueness and difference.

b. Design determines function.

~You are the way you are because of why you are.

~This is why an assessment of your gifts, strengths, weaknesses, desires and passions is so important.

c. The good works you were created for is your assignment.

~Your assignment is the problem you were uniquely designed to solve in the earth.

d. Your assignment has a proper path and place.

e. Your assignment will produce prosperity in time.

B. Some Keys to Understanding Your Assignment

1. Everything God created was created to solve a problem.

a. Problems are the catalyst for creativity.

b. You are a solution to someone’s problems.

2. You are a reward to someone.

a. Somebody needs you.

~Children of Israel needed Moses.

~Naomi needed Ruth.

~Ruth needed Boaz.

3. Your assignment is not your decision but your discovery.

a. (Jer. 1:5)

4. What you hate is a clue to something you are assigned to correct.

a. Anger is energy, power and ability; however, it requires proper focus.

~You cannot correct what you are unwilling to confront.

~What you permit will always continue.

5. What grieves you is a clue to something you are assigned to heal.

a. Tears talk.

~Battered women, abused children, disease, poverty, abortion…

6. What you love is a clue to the gifts, skills, and wisdom you contain.

a. Love births wisdom. Love births persistence.

7. Your assignment is geographical.

a. Places matter.

~God made places before He made people.

~Where you are will determine what grows within you.

~Where you are will determine who sees you.

~Jesus could do no mighty works in Nazareth.

~Jonah was needed in Nineveh.

8. Your assignment will take you where you are celebrated instead of tolerated. (Matt. 10:14)

9. Your assignment will require time – more than you realize.

a. The currency of life is time. God didn’t give you friends. He gave you time. God didn’t give you an education. He gave you time. Everything you have you exchanged for time.

10. If you rebel against your assignment, you will experience pain.

11. You will make mistakes in pursuit of your assignment but don’t quit or give up. (Ps. 37:23-24)

12. Your assignment will require seasons of preparation.

a. You are not born qualified – you must become qualified.

13. Your assignment may contain seasons of insignificance.

14. Your assignment may require seasons of waiting.

15. Your assignment may require seasons of isolation.

16. People will be assigned by hell to distract, delay, discourage, and derail your assignment.

17. Your assignment may cost you everything.

a. Everything important has a great price.

18. Your assignment may sometimes seem to be in vain.

a. Great efforts do not always produce immediate results.

19. Your assignment will require God’s intervention.

20. Your assignment will require your total focus.

a. Broken focus is the main reason for failure.

21. You will only succeed when your assignment becomes your obsession.

22. Your assignment requires planning.



[Pator Lee Stokes]

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