How to Find a Christian Spouse Part 3

What to Look for in a Christian Spouse

Sunday, February 16, 2025

I.What to Look for in a Christian Spouse

A. 4 Essential Qualities of the Godly Man You Want to Marry

#1 Pursues his Woman (Ruth 2:5, 8-9 all MSG)

#2 Protects his Woman

a. Physically (ref. Ruth 2:8-9)

b.Emotionally (Ruth 2:11-13 MSG)

c.Sexually (Ruth 3:14 MSG)

#3 Provides for his Woman (Ruth 2:14-18 MSG)

#4 Prioritizes him Woman (Ruth 3:18 MSG)

B. 5 Qualities of the Woman You Want to Marry

#1 Loyal and Committed (Ruth 1:16-17 MSG)

a. Pay close attention to how she treats other people, commitments and obligations because eventually she will treat you the same way.

~Does she have long term friendships?

#2 Hard Worker (Ruth 2:2, 6-7 MSG)

a. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty and do what’s necessary to provide for her family.

#3 Willing to be Submissive (Ruth 2:21-23; 3:5-6 MSG)

#4 Values Sexual Purity (Ruth 3:14 MSG)

a. Why sex is exclusively for marriage:

~Connect spirit, soul & body (ref. 1 Cor.  6:13-20)

b. He may be less likely to marry you if you’re already satisfying his sexual desires.

c. Sex can blur his real motives for being with you. You know he wants you for you if there’s is no sex.

d. After sex red flags are harder to discern because of soul-ties, emotional connections.

#5 Takes pride in her appearance (Ruth 3:3 MSG)

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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