Healing is Yours Vol.2 Part 3

Words are Spiritual Seeds

Sunday, October 2, 2022

I. Healing is Yours

A. Words are Spiritual Seeds

1. (Ps. 107:20) Spiritual remedy for physical problems.

a.(Acts 10:38) The root of sickness and disease is spiritual – oppression of the devil.

b.(2 Cor. 10:3-5 KJV) the spiritual root of sickness must be eradicated with spiritual weapons.\

c.(Prov. 18:20-21 AMP) Words are seeds that produce fruit of death and life.

~(Matt. 13:24-25) wheat and tares

~(Matt. 16:13-17, 21-23) Jesus deals with spiritual seeds.

~(Heb. 2:14-15) bondage through fear of death

2. (Mark 4:2-14) Parable of the Sower

a.Wayside Hearer

~(Matt. 13:19; Mark 4:15; Luke 8:12)

b.Stony Ground Hearer

~(Matt. 13:20-21 AMP; Mark 4:16-17 AMP)

c.Thorny Ground Hearer

~(Mark 4:18-19 AMP; Luke 8:14 AMP)

d.Good Ground Hearer

~(Matt. 13:23 AMP; Luke 8:15 AMP)

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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