Healing is Yours Part 3
Spirit, Soul and Body
Sunday, September 4, 2022
I.Healing is Yours
A. Spirit, Soul and Body
1. (1 Pet. 2:24 AMP) “…By His wounds you have been healed.”
2. (1 Thess. 5:23; Gen. 2:7 KJV) You are spirit (the real you, created after the image and likeness of God), you possess a soul (mind, will, intellect, emotions, imagination), and you live in a body (earth-suit).
a. The real “you” is your eternal spirit made after the likeness and image of God. (Gen. 1:26)
~(John 6:63; Jas. 2:26) Our spirit is the life of us.
b. Your soul is your mind, will, intellect, emotions and imagination. Your soul is your control center.
c. Your body is your earth-suit that enables you to live in the earth. (2 Cor. 5:8)
3. (John 3:3-6) It’s only your spirit that gets recreated in the new birth.
a. (2 Cor. 5:17-18) new creation in Christ
b. (John 4:24) Your spirit, soul and body are interrelated, but you can’t contact your spirit through your emotions or your physical body.
c. (Jas. 1:22-25 GNT) God’s Word is the mirror to your spirit.
4. What happened to me when I received Jesus?
a. (Rom. 10:9-10 NIV) believe in the heart and confess with the mouth.
b.(1 Pet. 1:23 AMP) born-again by the seed of God.
5. (Rom. 12:2) The Christian life isn’t a process of getting from God; it is a process of renewing your mind and learning to release what you’ve already received.
[Pastor Lee Stokes]