God’s Way of Getting to the Marriage Altar Pt2

4 Biblical Principles for Getting to the Marriage Altar 1

Sunday, July 7, 2019

I. 4 Biblical Principles for Getting to the Marriage Altar

A.Discipled by Christ and the Word vs. the Culture of the World

1.(Mark 7:1-8 NLT) Man’s tradition vs. God’s Word

a. (Ps. 119:105 NLT) lamp and light

b. (John 8:31-32 NLT) knowing the truth

c. (2 Cor. 3:6) Old covenant principles and truths

2. (1 Cor. 7:2, 7-9 all NLT) Marriage is for most, but some have the gift of singleness and have no desire to be married.

a. (1 Cor. 7:27-35 NLT) marriage comes with challenges.

3. God’s Way of Getting to the Marriage Altar

#1 Multiple Witness Principle

#2 The Betrothal Principle

#3 The Dowry Principle

#4 Marry Believers Only

B. Multiple Witnesses Principle in Mate Selection

1. (Deut. 19:15-19 NLT) you need multiple witnesses for high risk decisions such as marriage, contracts, and major purchases.

2. Four witnesses in the mate selection process.

#1 God – by His Word and the Spirit.

a.The problem here is we can miss God!

~(1 John 4:1) “test the spirits…”

#2 Parents (Eph. 6:1-4)

a. Fathers scripturally have the responsibility of giving their daughters in marriage.

#3 Spiritual authorities/Counselors – pastors, elders, and mature spiritual friends. (Prov. 11:14)

#4 Your freewill – you get to choose who you marry.

3. (Gen. 24:1-8, 12, 15-21, 28, 48-58 all NLT) multiple witnesses and characteristics in wife selection for Isaac.

a. (v2) Abraham and the eldest servant Eliezer

b. (v7) The LORD God and His Angel

c. (v8) Rebekah’s freewill

d. (v12) prayer

e. (v15-21) beautiful, virgin, hard-working

f. (v28) Rebekah’s family involved

g. (v57) Rebekah’s freewill of choice


[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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