Ephesians 2 Part 3
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
I.Ephesians 2:11-22
Outline – The theme of Ephesians 2 is God’s Work.
1. (v1-3) Sins work against us.
2. (v4-7) God’s work for us.
3. (v8-9) God’s work in us.
4. (v10) God’s work through us.
5. (v11-22) God’s work among us.
A. God’s Work Among Us (Chap. 2:11-22 NIV)
1. (v11-12 NIV) formerly uncircumcised Gentiles. Why circumcision? Why are the Jews His chosen people?
a. (Gen. 17:9-14 NIV) circumcision the sign of the old covenant.
~(Col. 2:10-14 NIV) new covenant circumcision
b. God has always wanted a family to show His goodness and faithfulness to and through.
~(Gen. 12:1-3 NIV) After man’s fall God sought a man to (Abraham) start a people to show His kindness and faithfulness to and through.
~And to bring a Savior into the world for all mankind to believe in and receive God’s favor.
~(Rom. 11:1-5, 11, 25 NIV) The Jews unbelief enabled the Gentiles to be engrafted in.
2. (v13 NIV) brought near by the blood of Christ vs. the blood of animals (Heb. 9:11-15, 22 NIV)
3. (v14-18 NIV) Jesus is our peace; from the two (Gentiles/Jews) to one new humanity, one body – the body of Christ.
a. (Rom. 5:1 NIV) we have peace with God
b. (1 Cor. 12:12-31 NIV) Unity and diversity in the body.
~I must be connected to the body to effectively be who I’m created to be.
4. (v19-22 NIV) we are members of His household, building, holy temple.
a. (2 Pet. 2:4-5 NIV)
[Pastor Lee Stokes]