Conceiving the Word Part 2

Intimacy through Fellowship

Sunday, September 24, 2023

I. Conceiving the Word Part 2

A. Conceiving the Truth

1. Building life on the Truth.

a. (Matt. 12:33, 35) your life is the product of what has grown in your own heart.

b. (ref. Prov. 27:19 NIV) life reflects the heart

2.Truth must be conceived to bear fruit.

a. (ref. John 17:17) God’s Word is truth.

b. (ref. 1 Pet. 1:23 AMP) God’s Word is incorruptible Seed that bears His nature, essence and DNA. Because truth is seed it must be conceived.

~(ref. Ps. 107:20) God sends us the Word that heals and delivers but we must conceive it.

~(ex. Watermelon questions)

B. How to Conceive Truth

1. (Heb. 4:2-3) the gospel you receive in your head has not necessarily conceived in your heart. When God’s Word is conceived in your heart faith springs forth. Faith is spiritual conception.

a. (Gen. 17:16-19; 18:10-15; 21:1-3) Abraham and Sarah went from doubt and unbelief to faith and conception.

~(Heb. 11:11) “…because she judged him faithful who had promised.”

2. Conception requires intimacy and can occur instantly or over time. Intimacy with God is only accomplished through fellowship with God.

(ex. Godly loving marriage relationship)

a. (1 Cor. 1:9) Your number one calling as a believer is fellowship with Him.

~(John 14:23; 15:4-5, 7-8)

3. Fellowship (intimacy) with God includes (1) hearing God’s Word, (2) meditating on His Word, (3) prayer, (4), worship, and (5) praise.

a. Hearing God’s Word through the scriptures, preaching/teaching, the inward witness and godly counsel.

~(Prov. 4:20-23; Matt. 4:4; Rom. 10:17)

b. Meditating on God’s Word means to think on, imagine, envision, and speak or confess God’s Word.

~(Josh. 1:8; Ps. 1:2-3)

c. Prayer is the communication with God that gives earthly access to heavens provision.

~(Eph. 6:18 AMP)

d. Praise is the overflowing expression of joy, respect, admiration and gratitude.

~(Ps. 34:1-6)

e. Worship is showing the highest regard with total submission, sacrifice, commitment, honor, and devotion. (Only God deserves our worship)

~(John 4:23-24)

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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