Conceiving the Truth Vol. 2 Part 6

The Good Ground Hearer

Sunday, December 17, 2023

I. Conceiving the Truth

A. Parable of the Sower

1. Jesus explained that the keys to understanding the kingdom of God are hidden for believers in the parables. He further taught the master key to all the parables is the parable of the Sower. (Matt. 13, Mark 4, Luke 8)

2. (Mark 4:3-20) Parable of the sower.

3. Key to the parable of the sower:

a.We are the sowers.

b.God’s Word is the incorruptible, infallible seed.

c. The four types of ground (wayside, stony, among thorns, and good ground) are four conditions of the heart that affect the seeds growth.

d. Only the good ground was able to produce and sustain a harvest (but at varying levels).

e. Common denominator – all heard the word.

~Wayside hearer didn’t understand the word therefore Satan immediately came and stole the word from them.

-Make the word first place

~Stoney heart hearer gets understanding and joy, but doesn’t take the time to get rooted in themselves and/or the word doesn’t get rooted in them. So they endure for a while then when tribulation comes on account of the word they are offended, stumble and fall away.

-Meditate the Word day and night

~Thorny heart hearer gets an understanding and starts getting rooted and bearing fruit in the word but because so many other things are also being sown into their heart the word is choked, suffocated and the fruit doesn’t mature and becomes fruitless.

-Eliminate the distractions & get focused

B. The Good Ground Hearer

1. (Matt. 13:23 AMP) grasps and understands the Word

(Mark 4:20 AMP) well adapted soil causes them to increasingly yield fruit.

(Luke 8:15 AMP) hold on to the Word and don’t let it go in a righteous, noble, virtuous and worthy heart, and steadily bring forth fruit with patience.

a. The most notable characteristic of the good ground hearer is that it has less. Less stones and thorns, therefore there is no mention of cares, anxieties, distractions or Satan. The Good Ground hearer’s life is simpler because his primary focus is on the Word and he allows no distractions.

b. (Prov. 27:19 NIV) Your life is a reflection of the seeds that have grown in your heart!

~(Prov. 23:7a) your heart reflects your life!

c. (Matt. 7:17-20 AMP) change the root and the fruit will change.

~(Matt. 12:33-35 AMP) change the root and you’ll and the fruit will change.

d. (Prov. 4:20-27 AMP) Getting the word in your heart.

~Healing – (teachings, Healing Journeys, Healing School etc.

~(ref. Exo. 15:26, Deut. 7:15; 1 Pet. 2:24)

~Provision – (ref. 2 Cor. 8:9; Phil. 4:19; 3 John 1:2)

~Purpose – (Jer. 29:11 NIV; Prov. 19:21)

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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