Conceiving the Truth Part 4

Meditating God’s Word

Sunday, October 8, 2023

I. Conceiving the Truth

A. Fellowship with God

1. (ref. 1 Pet. 1:23 AMP) God’s Word is incorruptible Seed that bears His life, essence and DNA.

a. Seed must be conceived to produce fruit.

b. Conception requires intimacy and fertilization.

2. (ref. 1 Cor. 1:9) Our most important calling as believers.

3. Fellowship (intimacy) with God includes (1) hearing God, (2) meditating His Word, (3) prayer, (4) worship, and (5) praise.

a. (ref. Rom. 10:17) Faith is spiritual conception.

Hearing God – (1) through your conscience, (2) the Word, (3) your born-again spirit, and (4) through the Holy Spirit.

B Meditating God’s Word

1. Meditating God’s Word brings prosperity and success.

a. (Josh. 1:8)

b. (Ps. 1:1-3)

c. (Ps. 2:1 AMP)

d. hagah – meditate, speak, imagine, study

2.Meditating evil things brings evil.

a.(Gen. 6:5 KJV) man before the flood of Noah

b.(Gen. 11:6 AMP) tower of Babel

c. vetser – imagination, mind, frame, conception

~(ref. Job 3:25-26) “the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me. I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; I have no rest, for trouble comes.”

3. Meditating involves saying, seeing, imagining, and conceiving it in your mind and heart before you ever physically see it. You have to conceive it on the inside before you see it on the outside.

a.(ref Prov. 23:7) “as he thinks in his heart so is he”

~Many want their circumstances to change without changing themselves.

b.(Prov. 27:19 NIV) Your life reflects your heart!

c. (Matt. 12:35) good treasure in the heart = good things in life; evil treasure in the heart = evil things in life; change your heart = change your life

4.How to meditate God’s word.

a. (Prov. 4:20-24)

~Gather the verses to meditate, say it, see it, thank God for it!

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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