Christmas Service 2019
Jesus Wants to be Your BFF (Best Friend Forever)
Sunday, December 22, 2019
I. Jesus Wants to be Your BFF (Best Friend Forever)
A.Jesus Wants to be Your BFF
1.(Luke 2:8-14) God’s great gift to mankind is Jesus.
a. God wrapped all of His love, favor, goodness, mercy, kindness, healing, abundance, joy, power, wisdom and peace, and sent it from heaven to earth in the body of a baby named – Jesus.
~But most who know Him only know Him as Savior. We can grow in our relationship with Jesus from Savior to Friend.
~i.e. Drowning or burning house
2. (Matt. 7:21-23) “I never knew you…”
a. (John 17:1-3) Eternal life = knowing God and Jesus
b. Knowing God is to be in union with Him having an intimate loving personal relationship that results in bearing fruit.
3. Jesus wants to be more than just your Savior, He wants to be your BFF Best Friend Forever.
a. (Prov. 18:24 TPT) your closest friend is Jesus.
b. (Jas. 2:23) Abraham was called the friend of God.
c. (Exo. 33:11) Moses was God’s friend.
d. (John 15:9-17 TPT) Jesus’ promise you as His friend.
~(John 14:12-18, 21-24, 26-27 all TPT)
e. (Matt. 16:13-19 NLT) Who do you say He is?
[Pastor Lee Stokes]