Characteristics of True Believing Vol.2 Part 1

Entering God’s Rest

Sunday, December 4, 2022

I. Characteristics of Bible Believing

A. Entering God’s Rest

1. Foundation text: (Heb. 4:1-3) “For we who have believed do enter that rest…”

a. God calls the “promise land” that the children of Israel were promised a place of rest. 

~“Entering God’s Rest” is having the assurance that what Christ has done in His work of redemption is complete in your life. This “rest” is a place of cooperation with God, and not a place of striving, dead-works or inactivity.

~The promise land is a type and shadow of living in the abundant promises of the kingdom of God for you. It is NOT a type of heaven!

2. (Heb. 3:7 thru 4:12 NLT) Unbelief caused the children of Israel to die prematurely in the wilderness and not possess the great things God had for them.

a. (Matt. 11:28-30 AMP/MSG)

b. (Exo. 3:7-12; 4:28-30) God tells Moses He will deliver His people from bondage to rest. And for the next two years He shows them through signs and wonders that He is God, He will provide, heal and protect them.

~(ref. Exo. 7-12) 10 plagues: water becomes blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock diseased, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and death of the firstborn.

~(ref. Exo. 12) The broken body and shed blood of the lamb set them free (the Passover).

~(ref. Exo., Num.) Left with Egyptian wealth, Red Sea crossing, bitter waters made pure, bread from heaven, water from a rock, defeated Amalekites, 10 Commandments given, tabernacle built, Golden calf worship, quail.

~(Exo. 33:12-17 NLT) God’s presence and rest

c. (Num. 13:23-33; 14:1-11) The 10 leaders spy out the promise land for 40 days and return with a bad report.

d. (Num. 14:20-24) Caleb and Joshua shall enter because they have a different spirit – they believe.

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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