Characteristics of True Believing Part 1

Right Believing Brings Receiving

Sunday, October 30, 2022

I.Characteristics of Bible Believing

A. Right Believing Brings Receiving

1. (Mark 9:17-29 NLT) The disciples could not cure the boy because of their unbelief, and even the boy’s father had a believing problem. The key to receiving any of the promises of God is right believing or faith.

a. The Greek words for believe and faith are the same in the Bible.

~faith (pistis) noun: conviction of truth of anything; belief; steadfastness; assurance or guarantee

~believe (pisteuo) verb: to think to be true; place confidence in; trust; place faith in.

2. Some examples of right believing and wrong believing.

a.(Matt. 8:5-10, 13 NLT) Centurion’s servant healed

b. (Mark 5:21-42) Jairus’ daughter healed/woman with issue of blood healed.

c.(Matt. 14:22-32) Peter walking on the water

d. (Mark 4:35-41) fearful in a storm

3. (Matt. 21:20-22) “…believing, you will receive.” When we don’t receive, we must reexamine our believing.

a. (John 3:14-18) “…as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness…”

b.(Num. 21:1-9) looking only to Jesus

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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