Building an Unbreakable Marriage Part 1

4 Foundational Laws of Marriage

Sunday, February 23, 2025

I.4 Foundational Laws of Marriage

A.The Purpose of Marriage

1.Marriage is good when done God’s way because it’s God’s idea, plan and foundation for humanity and society. (ref. Gen. 2:18)

a. (Eccl. 4:8-12 NIV) The primary purpose of marriage is the exponential power and blessing of unity through a godly husband and wife. (ref. Ps. 133)

b. Anything God makes operates by laws and so it is with marriage. (ref. Prov. 16:11 AMPC)

B.(Gen. 2:24-25 AMPC) 4 Foundational Laws of Marriage

1. The Law of Priority(Gen. 2:24a AMPC) “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother…”

a. Reprioritization of relationships

b. Marriage only works in 1st place

c. Legitimate jealousy – (Exo. 34:14 NLT)

d. How to establish and maintain the right priorities in marriage.

~Priority has to be proven in real terms and not just words.

-Sacrifice – “What will you give up for me?”

-Time – the commodity of relationships

-Energy – effort in the relationship

-Attitude – “I want to be with you.”

~You constantly have to protect your marriage from good things that are out of priority. (life’s cycles)

-God/spouse/children/work/church/all else

2. The Law of Pursuit(Gen. 2:24b AMPC) “…and shall become united and cleave to his wife…”

a. cleave – to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly; to pursue with all energy.

~Marriage is work! When you’re dating you work to get them, but often take them for granted when we get them.

b. Marriage is not two perfectly compatible people with no problems. Marriage is two very different people with a lot of incompatibility who work at it.

c. Emotions most likely will not always be there!

d. The grass is greener on the other side syndrome!

e. Marriage operates on the “manna principle.”

~Regular communication and date times.

f. You must work at being your best for each other.

3. The Law of Possession(Gen. 2:24c AMPC) “…and they shall become one flesh.”

a. Marriage is about sharing full ownership of everything in life: time, money, children, and bodies etc.

~Most challenging in blended families.

b. No longer independence, but interdependence.

~Sharing of responsibilities.

c. Oneness not dominance!

d. (1 Cor. 7:2-5 NLT) sex in marriage

4. The Law of Purity(Gen. 2:25 AMPC) “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not embarrassed or ashamed in each other’s presence.”

a. Transparency in everything! Nakedness without shame in each other’s presence!

b. Never shaming each other but feeling safe about being transparent about everything.

c. After Adam/Eve sinned they put on fig leaves over their genitals and blamed each other for their wrong.

~We must be willing to admit our wrong, repent so we can remain naked.

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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