Becoming a Kingdom Single Part 3

Value of Sexual Purity

Sunday, July 16, 2023 

I. Becoming a Kingdom Single

A.Singles, Sex and Sexuality 2 – High Value of Sexual Purity

1.(1 Thess. 4:3-8) Why does God places such a very high value on sexual purity? Because sex uniquely combines the spirt, soul & body with another through blood covenant.

a.(ref. 1 Cor. 6:9-10, 18) sexual immorality can cost you kingdom promises of destiny, health, family, career, wealth, long life,as well as eternal consequences in the millennium.

(Lev. 20:9-16) Sexual sin under the law meant death in most cases.
-Bloody sheets proof of virginity
(Prov. 5:3-23 NLT) In the proverbs Wisdom and Sexual Immorality are contrasted and both personified as women.

2.(1 Cor. 7:1-5, 7-9 all AMP) living together unmarried “shacking up;” husband’s/wives bodies belong to each other; refrain from sex for only one reason – mutual consent to prayer for a time.

a.(Gen. 4:1) the first mention of sexual intercourse in the Bible uses the word “yada” which translates know over 900 times in the Old Testament.

(ref. Ps. 25:14; Isa. 43:10)
(ref. Matt. 7:23; John 17:3)

b.Whenever sexual intercourse is not within the blessing of marriage covenant the Bible uses the words “porneuo” or shakab.”

Lot’s daughters’ (ref. Gen. 19:34)
Jacob and Leah (ref. Gen. 30:16)
Shechem defiling Dinah (ref. Gen. 34:2)
Reuben w/Jacob’s concubine (ref. Gen. 35:22)
David and Bathsheba (ref. 2 Sam. 11:4)
Amnon rapes Tamar (ref. 2 Sam. 13:14)
[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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