Becoming a Kingdom Single Part 3
Value of Sexual Purity
Sunday, July 16, 2023
A.Singles, Sex and Sexuality 2 – High Value of Sexual Purity
1.(1 Thess. 4:3-8) Why does God places such a very high value on sexual purity? Because sex uniquely combines the spirt, soul & body with another through blood covenant.
a.(ref. 1 Cor. 6:9-10, 18) sexual immorality can cost you kingdom promises of destiny, health, family, career, wealth, long life,as well as eternal consequences in the millennium.
2.(1 Cor. 7:1-5, 7-9 all AMP) living together unmarried “shacking up;” husband’s/wives bodies belong to each other; refrain from sex for only one reason – mutual consent to prayer for a time.
a.(Gen. 4:1) the first mention of sexual intercourse in the Bible uses the word “yada” which translates “know” over 900 times in the Old Testament.
b.Whenever sexual intercourse is not within the blessing of marriage covenant the Bible uses the words “porneuo” or “shakab.”