Becoming a Kingdom Single Part 1

Embrace Your Present State

Sunday, June 25, 2023

I.Becoming a Kingdom Single

A. Becoming a Kingdom Single

1. (ref. Gen. 1:26-28) God’s 3-fold purpose for creating mankind was to expand His heavenly invisible kingdom to the physical realm by reflecting, having ruler-ship, and replenishing Himself and His kingdom through man.

a. In Genesis 2, before God made the woman, God dealt solely with the single man training him to be a kingdom man (cultivator, provider, visionary, protector, leader, teacher.)

b. (ref. Gen. 2:22) “and He brought her to the man.” The first man and woman were both first single spending time with God before they were married.

c. A Kingdom Single is a Christian man or woman who is committed to live out their uniqueness, completeness and wholeness under the ruler-ship of God.

B. Embrace Your Present State (1 Cor. 7:24-40) Foundation Text

1. (v24) Whether single or married, it is your current calling (divine appointment). Don’t arbitrarily or illegitimately try it change your calling. “I can’t change my calling!”

a. Just like Adam/Eve needed to spend time alone with as a single before marriage, so do you.

~(Gen. 50:20 NIV) Joseph went from the pit, to enslaved, to prison, to the palace.

~(Exo. 13:17-18; Deut. 1:2 all AMP) Israelites

b. If you’re not whole as a single you could meet Mr. Wrong but you could be Miss Wrong!

2. (v25-27) If you are married don’t seek to be single; if you are single don’t seek a mate.

a.(ref. Matt. 6:33) “But seek first the kingdom…”

~(Prov. 18:22 AMP; 19:14; 31:10)

3. (v28) bound and married with sex or free and single with celibacy.

4. (v29-31) Gain an eternal perspective.

5. (v32-35) married with divided and distracted heart; single with a devoted heart to the Lord.

6. (v36-40 TPT) You’re better off single but if you can’t stay celibate marry. (ref. 1 Cor. 7:9) it’s better to marry than to burn in your lust.

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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