A Proverb a Day Vol. 5 Part 4

Preparing Your Heart

Sunday, February 28, 2021

I. A Proverb a Day V5

The Sex Trap Pt1

God’s Purpose for Sex Pt2

How to Deal with Temptation Pt3

A. Preparing Your Heart

1.(Prov. 7:21-27 all AMP) Sexual immorality personified as a woman is powerfully enticing but has a deadly end.

a.(1 John 2:16) the arsenal of the devil is the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, the pride of life.

~The devil needs your consent and cooperation to do anything to you. So does it through deception!

b. (Jas. 1:14-15 AMP) the process of temptation.

~Thoughts grow into sin, sin grows into death

2. (1 Chron. 12:14) proper preparation of the heart is the antidote.

a.(Prov. 27:19 NIV)

b.(Prov. 7:1-5 AMP)

c.(Prov. 4:20-23 AMP)

3. (Heb. 4:15) Jesus was tempted in all points just like us, yet without sin. How?

a.(Gen. 3:1-6 NLT) Adam and Eve in the garden.

~(Gen. 2:15-16 NLT) God’s Word

b.(Matt. 3:17; 4:1-11) Jesus in the wilderness.

~(Luke 2:40, 46-47)

[Pastor Lee Stokes]


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