The Importance of Thanksgiving or Giving Thanks
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
A.God’s Will is Always Giving Thanks
1.(1 Thess. 5:12-22) Give thanks IN but not FOR every situation.
2.(Eph. 5:15-20 KJV) Giving thanks always for all things that are from God!
3.(Phil. 4:4-7) Prayers of supplication/petition are to be made with thanksgiving.
a.Answered prayers involve faith.
b.Prayers in faith are with thanksgiving!
4.(Col. 2:6-7) Abounding in the faith with thanksgiving.
a.Thanksgiving is the voice of faith.
b.Faith is voice activated (thanksgiving).
5.(Col. 3:16-17) Do all things giving thanks to the Lord.
B.Law of Progression vs. Regression
1.Law of progression = Thanksgiving, attitude of gratitude
a.Attitude not aptitude can determine our altitude
2.Law of regression = Ungrateful
a.We lose what we are unthankful for.
b.We retain what we appreciate.