Please pay close attention to the following requirements for in person service:

~You must RSVP below in order to guarantee you and your family’s seats in the sanctuary for service.
~Due to safety procedures, doors will be open from 9am -10am.
~Face Mask will be required for everyone ages 5 and up. Our Staff and Volunteers will be wearing face masks at all times. *some of our team members may remove mask while on stage.
~We have expanded our facility cleaning measures, limiting registrations to reduce the capacity, and working to provide proper space for social distancing.
~Everyone must maintain a proper distance in order to help protect the health and well-being of all our families.
~Refrain from hugging or shaking hands in order to be considerate of others’ physical boundaries.
~Monitor your own health. In consideration of others, please be sure you do not have any symptoms associated with COVID-19. If you have had symptoms, have had a fever, have tested positive for COVID in the past 14 days, or have had physical contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID outside of a controlled medical environment, we ask that you refrain from attending our in-person gatherings and follow doctors’ recommendations.

If you are experiencing any of the following COVID-19 symptoms, we encourage you to stay home and join us online:

-Fever or chills
-Cough/sore throat
-Shortness of breath (or difficulty breathing)
-New loss of taste or smell
-Have had contact with anyone confirmed to have had COVID-19



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