Join us Sunday June 6, 2021 In-Person Service
Register for In-person service at 10 am.
Enjoy service with your Destiny family as we enjoy being in the house of the Lord.
In-Person Service Procedures
- You must RSVP below in order to guarantee you and your family’s seats in the sanctuary for service. Registrations will be available through the website and app starting the Wednesday prior to each weekend service.
- Due to safety procedures, doors will be open from 9am -10am.
- Face Mask are required for everyone not vaccinated ages 5 and up.
- We have expanded our facility cleaning measures, limiting registrations to reduce the capacity, and working to provide proper space for social distancing.
- Everyone must maintain a proper distance in order to help protect the health and well-being of all our families.
- Refrain from hugging or shaking hands in order to be considerate of others’ physical boundaries.
- Monitor your own health. In consideration of others, please be sure you do not have any symptoms associated with COVID-19. If you have had symptoms, have had a fever, have tested positive for COVID in the past 14 days, or have had physical contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID outside of a controlled medical environment, we ask that you refrain from attending our in-person gatherings and follow doctors’ recommendations.
If you are experiencing any of the following COVID-19 symptoms, we encourage you to stay home and join us online:
- Fever or chills
- Cough/sore throat
- Shortness of breath (or difficulty breathing)
- New loss of taste or smell
- Have had contact with anyone confirmed to have had COVID-19