7 Foundations of a Healthy Marriage Pt1

Security and Trust

Sunday, August 4, 2019

I. 7 Foundations of a Healthy Marriage

A.Better Together

1. (Gen. 2:18 AMP) “It is not good that man should be alone…”

a. (Eccl. 4:9-12 NLT) 3-fold chord

b. (Deut. 32:30) 1 – 1000 / 2 – 10000 exponential

~(Matt. 18:19 AMP) the law of agreement

B.Top 3 Reasons for Failed Marriages

1. Lack of knowledge (Hos. 4:6)

2. Wrong knowledge (1 Pet. 3:7 KJV/AMP)

3. Neglect – Marriage must be a priority!

a. God, health, spouse, children, church, work…

b. There may be times or season I have to lean into one area or another. (i.e. children, career)

C.7 Foundations of a Healthy Marriage (Matt. 7:24-27 NIV)

1. Security and Trust

2. Communication

3. Forgiveness and Repentance

4. Finances

5. Roles and Responsibilities

6. Sex and Romance

7. Children and Parenting

D.Security and Trust

1.Security and trust in marriage are the result of a shared commitment and shared understanding of the marriage covenant.

a. Security is…

~The assurance that my spouse will love and value me for a life time.

~A knowing and constant awareness that whatever problems we face, with God’s help we will overcome.

b. Trust enables a husband and wife to enjoy a relationship characterized by openness and transparency, with NO SECRETS or locked rooms, passwords, accounts that are kept off limits to each other.

2.Shared commitment = life time commitment

a.(Heb. 11:13-15) Receive, embrace and confess!

~Divorce can’t be an option!

3.Shared understanding = marriage is a covenant

a.(Mal. 2:14) Covenant

~No longer two but one

~(gamos) gem – fused together

~Greater than contract

~Sacred oath broken only by death

~Unending loyalty



[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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