The Secret of the Kingdom Part 2
Sower and the Seed – Pathway Hearer
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
I.The Secret of the Kingdom
A. Sower and the Seed
1. (Matt. 13:44-46) Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price
2. (Mark 4:1-9 NIV) sower and the seed
a. Purpose of the parables
~(Mark 4:10-12 NIV) forgiveness
~(Matt. 13:10-17 NKJV) healing
~(Matt. 25:24-29 AMPC) parable of the talents
3. (Mark 4:13-20 NIV) explanation of the sower and seed
a. Key to the parable of the sower and the seed:
~We are the sowers.
~The Word of God is the incorruptible seed.
-(ref. Isa. 55:8-11 NIV)
~The four different types of ground are four conditions of the heart.
~Only one ground was able to produce and sustain a growing harvest – good ground.
~Common denominator – all heard the word!
~Every believer fits into one of these four progressive categories.
B. The Pathway Hearer
1. (Matt. 13:4, 19; Luke 8:12 all NIV)
The pathway hearer was the only scenario of the four where Satan was able to take away the word immediately because they didn’t understand it.
2. How do I get spiritual understanding?
a. (ref. 1 Kings 3:9-13) ask, King Solomon
b. (Ps. 119:97-99, 104, 130 NKJV) meditation
c. (Prov. 2:1-7 AMPC) the proverbs
3. What are some of the benefits of understanding?
a. (Prov. 3:13-18 NKJV) wealth, health & long life.
b. (Prov. 6:32-33 NKJV) understanding prevents sexual immorality.
[Pastor Lee Stokes]