The Secret of the Kingdom Part 1
The Secret of the Kingdom
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
I.The Secret of the Kingdom
A. The Secret of the Kingdom
1. Jesus explained the “secret” to how the kingdom of God operates in the parables He taught in Matthew 13, Mark 4 and Luke 8. Jesus is gives the secret to how to receive anything and everything you need from Him.
Here’s the key to the parables:
a. (Mark 4:11 NIV) The secret of the kingdom.
b. (Mark 4:14) We are the sowers (farmers) and the Word is the seed.
~Sowing the word means reading, hearing, meditating, and speaking it. (Jos. 1:8; Ps. 1:1-3)
~(1 Pet. 1:23) God’s Word is incorruptible seed. It produces 100% of the time.
c. The ground (variable) is the heart of man.
~(Prov. 4:20-23 AMPC)
2. (Mark 4:21-25 AMPC) Parable of the Hidden Lamp
a. (ref. Ps. 119:105) The Word you put in your heart will be temporarily hidden but will ultimately be made visible in your life. But be careful what your hearing because whatever you hear and meditate on will manifest.
~(Prov. 27:19 NIV)
3. (Mark 4:26-29) Parable of the Growing Seed
a. The earth represents the born-again human spirit which contains all of the life of God.
~(ref 1Cor.6:17; 2Cor. 5:17; Eph. 1:3; Col. 2:9-10)
~The Word of God (Seed) is the catalyst that brings forth what is already in the earth.
~(Gen. 1:11-12, 24) God said, Let the earth bring forth…
4. (Mark 4:30-32) Parable of the Mustard Seed
a. The mustard seed though small and seemingly insignificant will produce a great harvest when sown.
[Pastor Lee Stokes]