God’s Way of Getting to the Marriage Altar Pt3

4 Biblical Principles for Getting to the Marriage Altar 2

Sunday, July 14, 2019


I. 4 Biblical Principles for Getting to the Marriage Altar

A. Recreational Dating vs. God’s Way

1. Recreational dating is an unbiblical custom and tradition where two people develop a relationship in which they cultivate their interest in one another by talking on the phone, texting, planning things, activities together in which they are alone, without parental consent or oversight.

a.(Prov. 24:27 AMP) Put first things first

~If you aren’t ready for marriage you shouldn’t be in one on one dating situations.

~The purpose of dating should be to determine if this person is a possible marriage partner.

2. God’s way of getting to the marriage altar is to seek the Lord, not a spouse, while preparing to be a husband or wife. (1 Cor. 7:27; Prov. 18:22; Matt. 6:33)

a.Tell our story…

b.(Gen. 2:15-24) the Blueprint for marriage

3.God’s Way of Getting to the Marriage Altar

#1 Multiple Witness Principle

#2 The Betrothal Principle

#3 The Dowry Principle

#4 Marry Believers Only

B. The Betrothal Principle (The daughter’s father’s vetting of the potential husband for his daughter)

1.(Gen. 2:24; Ps. 78:63) A man leaves his father and mother, but daughters are given away by fathers.

2.(Exo. 22:16-17 AMP) Fathers have some authority in the betrothing, espousal, engagement process and the giving away of his daughters.

3.(Deut. 22:13-21 NLT) evidences of virginity

a. Marriage is a covenant according to Mal. 2:14 which means a vow cut in blood.

~The hymen is broken during intercourse constituting a blood covenant.

C. The Dowry Principle (the price paid for a bride)

1. A Dowry is the price paid for a bride.

a.(Gen. 34:12 NLT) tell story of Sheckem/Dinah

b.(1 Sam. 18:17-29 NLT) David/Michal

c.(Gen. 29:15-30 NLT) Jacob/Leah/Rachel

2. What are the principles of the dowry?

a. Do you value my daughter?

b. Will you provide for her and your children?

c. Are you serious and sincere?

d. Do you love or just lust my daughter?

D. Marry Believers Only

1. (2 Cor. 6:14-18) unequally yoked together

a. (1 Cor. 7:13-16 NLT) unbelieving spouse

2. (Gen. 24:3: 28:1, 2) OT examples



[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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