Ephesians 2 Part 1

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

I.Ephesians 2:1-3

Outline – The theme of Ephesians 2 is God’s Work.

1. (v1-3) Sins work against us.

2. (v4-7) God’s work for us.

3. (v8-9) God’s work in us.

4. (v10) God’s work through us.

5. (v11-22) God’s work among us.

A. Sins Work Against Us (Chap. 2: v1-3 AMP)

1. (v1 AMP)

a. Sin killed us and we were dead spiritually. Death means separation. Three types in the Bible:

~physical death– separation of the spirit from the body (Jas. 2:26)

~spiritual death– separation from God because of sin (Gen. 2:16-17)\

-no sensitivity towards or fellowship with the Lord.

-Are we born sinners or born into sin?

~eternal death – the 2nd death (Rev. 20:11-15; 21:8)

-eternal separation from the presence and glory of God. (2 Thess. 1:6-10 NIV)

b. Are we born sinners or born into sin?

~(Rom. 5:19, 12-15, 18) Adam provided the state of sin for all in the same way Jesus provided the state of righteousness by faith for all.

(Gen. 8:21; Ps. 22:9-10 NIV; Ps. 139:13-18; Rev. 3:5)

2. (v2 AMP) (ref. Col. 1:21-22)

a. (1 Cor. 6:9-11) You are not a lowly sinner saved by grace, you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. (ref. Rom. 6)

3. (v3 AMP)

a. (Col. 3:5-10) Even though we are born-again we must deal with our flesh and put to death the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit.

b. (Gal. 5:16-21) works of the flesh.

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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