Fasting & Prayer Part 2

How Do I Fast?

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

I.Fasting and Prayer

A. Why Fast?

1. Fasting is a spiritual discipline that has been practiced by people of faith for thousands of years. It involves abstaining from food, drink or certain activities for a period of time, in order to focus on the Spirit.

a. Is fasting relevant under the new covenant? Yes.

~(Matt. 6:16-18)

2. Fasting under the new testament is primarily a matter of bringing the body under subjection or crucifying the flesh so that the spirit can prevail and have preeminence.

3. (Matt. 4:1:11) Jesus fasting in the wilderness.

a. 40 is the number of testing in the Bible:

~King Saul, David & Solomon 40 yrs.

~Jesus, Moses, & Elijah fasted 40 days

~Flood of Noah 40 days/nights

~Moses sent 12 spies 40 days/nights

~Goliath taunted Israel 40 days

~Jesus on earth after resurrection 40 days

b. 3 Keys to effective fasting:

~Abstinence from food/drink and/or activity


~Replenish – word and prayer

c. (1 John 2:16) lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life.

d. (Gen. 3:1-6) Adam/Eve in the garden

4. Some verses about proper fasting.

a. (Isa. 58:4-8 AMP)

b. (1 Cor. 7:3-5)

B. Types of Fasting in the Bible

  1. Normal Fast: This is a complete abstention from food for a specific period. An example is found in the story of Esther when she called for a fast among the Jewish people (ref. Esther 4:15-16).
  2. Partial Fast: In a partial fast, individuals abstain from certain types of food or specific meals. Daniel’s partial fast, where he abstained from rich food and wine, is an example (ref. Daniel 10:3).
  3. Absolute Fast: This involves abstaining from both food and water. It is a rare form of fasting due to its intensity. The prophet Ezra engaged in an absolute fast during a time of mourning (ref. Ezra 10:6).
  4. Corporate Fast: Fasting done by a group or community of people. In the Bible, there are instances where entire communities or nations engaged in corporate fasting to seek God’s guidance or repentance (ref. Joel 2:15-16).
  5. Supernatural Fast: A fast that is divinely sustained without the person consuming food or water. The prophet Elijah experienced a supernatural fast during his journey to Mount Horeb (1 Kings 19:8). Jesus/Moses
  6. Sacrificial Fast: In a sacrificial fast, individuals abstain from something they enjoy or desire as an offering to God. This could include abstaining from certain foods, leisure activities, or habits. It is not explicitly called “fasting” in the Bible, but the idea of sacrifice is present.
  7. Seasonal or Regular Fast: Some fasts occur regularly or during specific seasons. The Pharisee in Jesus’ parable boasted about fasting twice a week (ref. Luke 18:12), indicating a regular practice.
  8. Fasting for Repentance: Fasting is often associated with repentance and seeking God’s forgiveness. The people of Nineveh fasted as a sign of repentance after Jonah’s warning (ref. Jonah 3:5-9).
  9. Fasting for Guidance: Fasting is also used as a means of seeking God’s guidance or discernment. The leaders in Antioch engaged in fasting before sending Paul and Barnabas on their missionary journey (ref. Acts 13:2-3).
  10. 10.Fasting for Deliverance: Fasting can be a way of seeking God’s intervention and deliverance. Jehoshaphat called for a fast when facing a threat of invasion, seeking God’s help (ref. 2 Chronicles 20:3).

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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