The Gifts of the Spirit Part 6b

The Gift of the Working of Miracles 2

August 3, 2022

I. The Gifts of the Spirit

A.The Gifts of the Working of Miracles

1. (1 Cor. 12:7-11) 9 Manifestation gifts

2. The nine gifts categorized:

a. Three revelation gifts reveal something:

~Word of wisdom 

~Word of knowledge

~The discerning of spirits

b. The three power gifts do something:

~The gift of faith

~The working of miracles

~The gifts of healings

c. The three utterance gifts say something:


~Divers kinds of tongues

~Interpretation of tongues

B. The Working of Miracles – a supernatural intervention in the ordinary course of nature, a temporary suspension of the accustomed order, or an interruption in the system of nature as we know it, operated by the power of the Holy Spirit.

1. The purpose of miracles, especially in the Old Testament, were to prove God’s existence and reveal His character, power, plans and purpose. They also confirmed that a person was sent by God.

2. The purpose of miracles in the New Testament are to authenticate Jesus, His message (the gospel) and His oneness with the Father.

a. (Matt. 12:38-40) wanting a sign

b. (Luke 24:25-27, 44-49) road to Emmaus

c. (John 20:29-31)

3. New Testament Examples 

Some of Jesus’ miracles:

a. (John 2:1-11) water made wine

b. (John 6:1-14; Matt. 15:32-38) feeds the multitudes

c. (Matt. 14:22-33; John 6:21) walks on water

d. (Luke 5:1-11) great catch of fish

e. Jesus raised three people from the dead:

~(Luke 7:11-17) widow of Nain’s son 

~(Luke 8:40-42, 49-56) Jairus’s daughter

~(John 11:1-44) Lazarus

Some of the apostles miracles:

f. (Acts 5:1-10) Ananias and Sapphira

g. (Acts 9:36-42) Tabitha (Dorcus) raised from dead

h. (Acts 12:5-19) Peter rescued from prison by angel

i. (Acts 13:4-12) Elymas made blind

j. (Acts 16:25-39 AMP) Paul and Silas prison

k. (Acts 20:7-12) Eutychus raised from dead

[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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