Living in God’s Plans for Your Life Part 6
Purpose & Potential
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
I.Living in God’s Plans for Your Life
A.Understanding Purpose
1. “You are not just the product of your parent’s passion; you are the product of God’s purpose for your life.” Lee Stokes
a. (Eccl. 3:1-2, 11 AMP)
2. Purpose is the original intent in the mind of the creator that motivated him to create a particular item.
a. (Jer. 1:5-9 NIV)
b. Purpose precedes production.
~Every product is produced by purpose for a purpose.
3. Your existence is evidence that this generation needs something that your life contains.
a. God created you with a definite purpose in mind.
~Fulfilling that purpose does not just happen as a by-product of life.
~(Prov. 20:5 ESV)
B. Purpose and Potential
1. A person or thing apart from its creator cannot know its purpose.
a. If you want to know the purpose of a product, you must ask the manufacturer or his authorized representative.
~The true capacity of a product is determined not by the user but by the manufacturer.
2. Your potential enables you to fulfill your purpose, and your purpose reveals the potential hidden within you.
a. Life outside your ideal environment will destroy your potential because a wrong environment always means death.
~The key to maximizing your full potential is to discover the purpose or reason for your life and commit to the fulfillment at all cost.
[Pastor Lee Stokes]