Take A Stand Part 2

Take a Stand in God’s Armor 1

Sunday, April 5, 2020


I.Take A Stand

A.Take A Stand Wearing God’s Armor

1.(2 Cor. 10:3-5 NIV) We are in a spiritual warfare. There is a spiritual root to every natural fruit.

a. (Hos. 4:6) Our warfare must be rooted in the proper knowledge of God.

b. (1 Pet. 5:8-9 NLT) The unseen enemy behind every other evil enemy is the devil.

~We must stand against him strong in faith!

c. (Rom. 3:27) Faith is law just like gravity is law.

2.(Eph. 6:10-18 NIV) Put on the full armor of God.

a. The belt of truth

~Truth is the absolute standard by which reality is measured. Truth is reality in its original form. Truth is God’s view on any subject.

~(John 17:17) God’s word is truth!

~(John 8:31-32) Knowing the truth makes you free!

b. The breastplate of righteousness.

~Righteousness is being in right standing with God; total acquittal; clearance from all guilt.

~(2 Cor. 5:21 NIV) You have God’s righteousness.

~(Isa. 54:13-17) Established in righteousness.

c. Shoes of peace.

~Peace is a state of soul tranquility, rest, harmony and prosperity; free from fear and worry in the midst of trouble.

~(John 14:27; 16:23) We have Jesus’ peace.

~(Isa. 26:3) perfect peace

~(Col. 3:15 AMP) Let peace be your umpire



[Pastor Lee Stokes]

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